mixing paint brands

good elaboration/correction. though, IMO wether you are using white or grey, a quality basecoat with full coverage you arent going to notice a difference. there are though, some extremely hard to cover colors out there in every system. The cure for that is, more coats. easier to keep up with when doing repairs on down the road...you know you have full coverage and not 2 half covered coats over a particular shade underneath it.
I agree 100%, jeremy, though too many coats presents its own problems in regards to durability and shrinkage, etc.

The best shade to use under a color to help achieve coverage will produce a result that is not distinguishable from a full coverage test panel made from the actual color alone, even under direct sunlight.

We often achieve the perfect illusion of full coverage by using colored primers, the rationale being fewer coats of base always equals a superior job, as long as apparent coverage is achieved.
Full coverage is full coverage, if you can see through it and the undercoat isn't the exact same tone as your color then it will be different than what's achieved with full coverage. Years ago most of the basecoats covered really well, rarely ever would you see a color that took more than three coats. Then along came the idea that a proper shade of undercoat would help with paint coverage (early/mid 90's)-then the colors all got watered down to a point that selecting a proper undercoat was now a necessity. It's all a money game with the main object being to sell you as many products as they can. I try to use the best quality basecoats I can find locally, I try to stay away from the brands that end up requiring sometimes 7 coats of color to achieve full coverage. I've played the colorbuild primer game-what a joke, valueshade-complete junk IMO. Full coverage in three coats or less is what I always hope for.
you can deal with dis........... or you can deal with dat. either way you cant do it free. saving the labor is enough . if the price of quality paint is too much your in the wrong hobby . sell the car and buy a fishing pole. minnows are cheap.

and bob is right on about value shade. useless . just like the pretty little black and white cards they give you to spray on.
Thanks Shine! But I'll keep the truck and it is a hobby I enjoy. All hobbiest have budgets and some are more than others. I won't blow $800 on base especially with a vendor not having concrete examples of the quality difference between two lines they sell. "You give up some UV resistance and may take another coat to cover" well that isn't good enough for me to spend the difference and if that upsets you sorry. Why are you using SPI if not to save some money. Kinda funny when you look at it that way.
i've lived my life building cars. if i had to save for a month for a part so be it. that is how it's done. materials run thousands for a quality job. cost of base is just part of it. it is easy to drop 2k in materials . i use prospray . why ? because it is a good product and not a 2nd or 3rd line. i use spi because i find it superior to ppg or dupont . personally i do not care what it cost. i'm looking for quality . when saving 5-7 k on a paint job i wouldn't think a few hundred for good paint would be that big a deal. in the end your not going to save much. and since the paint job is the majority of it i would use a little less bling under the hood and put it in paint. of all the places to cut corners paint should be last.

your truck do what you like .
portland;5065 said:
Got a gallon of Viper Red quoted today at Napa they sell Martin Senour. One gallon Viper Red $800.00 in Tec Base; $214.00 in Finish 1 then next step down at this store. Needless to say I don't think I'll be using Tec Base!

I just mixed up and sprayed some viper red in pro spray last week. I even made a post in the color section showing it's match to spi viper red. If memory serves me correctly it was $106.00 a qt.
That sounds great, Chad! Compared to the price I am paying for most reds, it's a steal! How many coats to coverage?
Just because you spent $800 on a gallon of paint doesn't mean you got a gallon of paint worth $800. Some of it went to pay for the free spray booth for the big shop down the street.
You are absolutely right.

But is that a good enough reason to base a purchase solely on who has the lowest price?
there are definately better alternatives out there, high end lines, under 800 bucks. Like i said, sikkens is at $600. i would think others like ppg or rm would be around the same. According to chad, pro spray is 424 a gallon. Never used tec-base, but i'm doubting its worth $800 a gallon?
same old problem. mechanics think all the money should go under the hood and chump change for paint. streetrodders are the worst. spend thousands on bling and air ride then use omni or worse to do the paint. then after a couple of years worth of prep work they shoot it and roll it outside only to find their econo paint looks like crap. but they will just throw the budget thing at you. screw budget. wait another month and save a little more for quality.
i didn't get the vibe that he isn't willing to pay for quality paint...just not $800 when there are other alternatives out there, high quality ones. Talk about markup city.

shine, its amazing how that works. They'll sink 15 grand into the motor, then wanna try to throw a $2,000 piss job on it. I just refer them to the guys that do that type of work.
jeremyb;5185 said:
shine, its amazing how that works. They'll sink 15 grand into the motor, then wanna try to throw a $2,000 piss job on it. I just refer them to the guys that do that type of work.

Ain't that the truth, Jeremy-we all know how easy this type of work is...... Everytime I read a spread on a beautiful car in the magazines and find there's only two sentences in 6 pages mentioning who did the body and paint-it makes me want to puke.
Bob Hollinshead;5188 said:
Ain't that the truth, Jeremy-we all know how easy this type of work is...... Everytime I read a spread on a beautiful car in the magazines and find there's only two sentences in 6 pages mentioning who did the body and paint-it makes me want to puke.

no doubt! the most important and most expensive part of the restoration, gets 2 sentences in a 3-4 page spread. I wish they would do more of those build books. Enjoy those things.