Thoughts about the current heat wave


Senile Old Fart

For all of you enduring this heat wave, here is a happy thought!

Only 5 months until this :

My garage this weekend, with super high humidity. Oh boy!!
Well at least I know this epoxy will cure. IMG_1249.jpg

well it has been hanging at 104 -106 down here and i can tell you that is seriously hot folks. we have cattle dying right and left from heat . if the ranchers don't move them soon enough they will over water and die . everybody has sold off their herds so beef will be sky high soon so stock up. i'm getting things done in the build room but by 10 it is getting to hot to work in the open shop. i have 2 paint jobs waiting until the weather breaks. i refuse to shoot paint in 100+ .
Wow bad news about the cattle. Didn't think about that.

I've been out riding in it 3-4 days a week, and it's definetly hot out. A guy died the weekend of the 4th from heat stroke on the track so not something to mess around with.. Drink lots of water.

I can't blame you for not wanting to paint in this stuff.
I love it! Only getting about 8-10 calls a day, questioning how to paint in this heat.
In winter I get 20-30 a day on why won't this stuff dry at 50 degrees in the shop.
I'm lonely, like the Maytag repairman and keep checking my phone to make sure it is on.

Besides, think I lost 10 lbs working on deck this weekend, fat just melted off. LOL
Here in Northern Arizona we have not had to deal with any abnormal weather - yet. The monsoons have started and although it reaches the mid 90s most days the afternoon thunderstorms can drop the temps down into the 70s.
Still, I am an early riser usually out feeding the livestock by 5:00 am so I find the best times to work in the garage are early am and then early evening. The rest of the time I like sitting at the computer enjoy the central air conditioning and a glass of iced tea. LOL
be real careful on the water drinking. that is what kills the cattle. tank runs low so they don't drink, nothing to forage for water then when they are moved they drink too much and drown in their own fluids. drink plenty of water but not all at once.
this drought is getting very serious folks. if farmers and ranchers cant do their thing there is noting to eat. especially with the friggin tree huggers using 30% of corn for fuel.
My daughters neighbor has a 160 acre cattle ranch down near Austin, they are selling off cattle due to the heat, no grass, no one wants to sell hay, no water crisis.

Mother nature can be cruel at times.

59 here at the moment, 7:52 AM. Thunder in the distance, light drizzle coming down. Living in the PNW does have its benefits
last fall my round bales were worth about 35 dollars . right now they will bring 75 and that is cow hay. horse quality hay is bringing 125 .
i cringe everytime i flip the booth on. pulling in the hot air from the roof. i did a temp check on the roof and it was 120 at one point last week. stays a constant 98-102 in the booth.

but all 3 acs in the shop are pumpin. i'm gonna hate the bill at the end of this month :(
Speaking of the a/c units running all the time, I am really surprised that there haven't been rolling blackouts due to the load on the grid.
My boss says to keep working and the heat will not bother you. One day last week he even splurged and bought a 10 lb bag of ice for the shop of about 30 people.

ADTKART;10457 said:
My boss says to keep working and the heat will not bother you. One day last week he even splurged and bought a 10 lb bag of ice for the shop of about 30 people.


And just what were you all supposed to do with the ice?
Last year we had about 1/2 dozen of the large water cooler jugs for the whole shop. Every day when it was really hot they would get a bag of ice for each one. That was when the boss was in Tenn at his shop there, so he didn't know about it. Right now he is here and our manager is in Tenn. He is not going to spend any more money than he feels he has to. We can stand in front of a fan if we get too hot, as long as we are still working.

ADTKART;10510 said:
Last year we had about 1/2 dozen of the large water cooler jugs for the whole shop. Every day when it was really hot they would get a bag of ice for each one. That was when the boss was in Tenn at his shop there, so he didn't know about it. Right now he is here and our manager is in Tenn. He is not going to spend any more money than he feels he has to. We can stand in front of a fan if we get too hot, as long as we are still working.


Hate to say it but it sounds like A: the boss is a jackarse, B: makes me proud to be union and not have this shit ever be an issue on the job site.

Sorry you gotta put up with those conditions.
I just dont get that boss mentality. Have they forgotten what it is to be a worker? I'm sorry but i just think its torture. I have 3 a/cs in the shop, and would be pure torture to have my guys dripping sweat rolling around in bondo all day.....then look up and see those 3 acs that arent on. Doesn't matter how many fans you have on......its so hot all you are doing is blowing hot air around. Mine barely keep up....and the power bill, i dont even want to open it when it comes........but i think its worth it.
I've been running my AC in the shop but no more than usual. Every since I can remember July has been a hot month. Just glad I don't do roofs or bail hay like I did when I was a kid.