SPI epoxy on a ceramic bathtub...



I tried something crazy this past winter. We have a nice old cast iron tub in the kids bathroom, but it is 70’s green ceramic. I had it painted white by a professional about 12 years ago. After about 5 years, that paint job started to chip and eventually have a lot of delamination. I decided to sand that old paint off and shoot some white SPI epoxy on it. The SPI has been on there about 6 months now, and it is holding up well. The kids aren’t very careful with it, so we’ll see how it looks in 10 years. So far it was a successful experiment.
For about 15 years we have sold the white epoxy to a number of professional tube and sink professional restorers.
Works great and never have had a complaint! Actually have done a couple of stove-tops myself for two friends years ago and one sink.
Im doing a porcelain barber chair with epoxy..ihad to ask barry before taking this job.

Awesome! Steve who works for me has a 1909 Koken with the spears or aka knives, so rarer.
If wasn't so heavy Id buy it for workout room just to have but I think it weighs more than my F250. lol
Hes got a guy from 3 hours away heard about it and trying to buy it, everything has a price and the prices of these things blow my mind.
His go for $200 to 8500 highest he showed me.
For about 15 years we have sold the white epoxy to a number of professional tube and sink professional restorers.
Works great and never have had a complaint! Actually have done a couple of stove-tops myself for two friends years ago and one sink.
Is it shiny enough for a tub or sink??
Non of the professionals that do this work ever clear the epoxy, that would be going backwards in my opinion for durability.
I've thought about using it on my garage floor. SPI epoxy sure sticks to the concrete when I spill it. The homeD paint on the floor has mostly chipped away.
I've thought about using it on my garage floor. SPI epoxy sure sticks to the concrete when I spill it. The homeD paint on the floor has mostly chipped away.

20 years ago did the wife's garage and my play garage.
Works great BUT here are the draw backs!
If its raining out and wife pulls car in with hot tires it will leave tire marks, about every two months she scrubs off with simple green.
Now epoxy's made for floors have an additive to prevent this and this additive if used for cars the paint would never stick.

My play garage it holds over-spray and body filler if on cement you can tap with hammer and bodyfiller comes right off, NO way here you would need to take a 24 grit grinder, dumbest thing I ever did.
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