It depends a lot on the product and at what stage you sanded it.
Example, lets say you used a 2K primer, shot three coats and sanded it in 2 hours and if we knew the full cure time to be 20 days, then if you let it set to long and the primer cures out , yes adhesion can be compromised.
A lot of ifs, buts and where-withs in this statement and if you hit the worse part of the scenario, what would be the result you might get? In stead of 100% adhesion, maybe 60-70 %, is the paint going to fall off because of this? No but could be more stone chip prone.
What would the 222 do? A lot, keeps the economy going because you spent money, gives you something to do and it is one more layer of something to cause a problem down the road. Other then the mentioned, no good will come from using it in this case and lets be fair, the same would go for using my 600 in this case.