Closed today 1/17

9 frigging degrees here . i'm going back in the house .
just in case it gets icy .


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Lol on the global warming.

13 when got up now says 19 at 1.00pm.
This is ga? I moved up from FL in 85
And never seen it like this year.
28 here but i see no reason to burn fuel to heat and still be miserable . nothing that cant wait until....................... march .
Family all around Bradenton and Sarasota area, said 58 when talked to mom earlier, they were not happy. Lol
Cold up there. I'm a little past 1\2 way down.
Time to go buff a door & fender. That sonax cutmax works. V32 too Shine.
Used black not orange hex pad. More gentle on angles, some spots need orange or sandpaper.
Floorr jack lifting it up.
9 frigging degrees here . i'm going back in the house .
just in case it gets icy .

Yeah we hit like 12 here in Fort Worth, you're outside the heat bubble in the sticks :) But yeah that is waaaaaaaay to cold for Texas, at least this part.
Well this morning... its 20 here in Sayner, WI...(google it) and its 16 in Atlanta, GA....HAHA!
heat wave here. 14 this morning . i think mother nature just decides it's time for a few days off .
i can heat the booth alright but the shop is another thing. this spring i need to work on sealing up some holes where i'm loosing heat. i have a gas ceiling heater to install and run on propane instead of farm diesel . we're due another bad winter any time now.
26 Degrees when I got to the shop at 7:30 and it's 45 in the shop and this is in Florida. The heat doesn't work in my car and I drive 23 miles.
On Monday the windchill was -35 with about a 25 mph wind. About 10 min out scooping the driveway with normal jeans on was enough to completely numb my legs and turn them red, it was absolutely miserable. Today its +35 with a light breeze, it feels like spring.
26 and sunny here. Feels like t-shirt weather. Shops been 70 degrees and booth has been 75 degrees all month. You Southerners are lucky with nice weather most of the time but we are geared better for the cold when it hits.

I have an attached 32 by 48 unheated building where my big blast cabinet is located. I've been running it a lot this month and have to scratch the ice off the glass from my breath. It's a good time. I even blasted a wood body a couple weeks ago outside. 5 degrees without wind was good weather. Normal years all my blasting is done in the fall but this year I'm behind schedule.

Give it a few months we'll all be crying about the heat.