Wrinkle spot on hood.



Can you spray epoxy over base coat? I have a wrinkle spot i can't get rid of. I sanded lightly and sprayed base coat lightly. The hood is base coated. I was going to sand down the spot, then spray thinned epoxy, wetsand, then spray base coat. Will that work or will you be able to see where the epoxy was sprayed? What are my options? Thank you very much.
I would not recommend putting any primer over raw/fresh basecoat. You could have a reaction between the 2 causing bigger problems. When you say a wrinkle what are you refering too? an edge lifting? or the underlayment not sanded enough showing thru?
I'm with datec on what is it exactly. But you can put epoxy over it and nothing bad will happen where the epoxy is. the problem is when you base over the epoxy it will want to attack around the edges of the epoxy not the epoxy its self but the base you blended on to. ASK ME HOW I KNOW THIS!!! walk away from it and let it get rid of the solvents causing the grief. then epoxy your trouble area and lightly base over it even if it takes two or three extra light coats DONT risk loading more solvents onto a trouble area