what to wipe with before spraying sealer



Being as it is hot a heck around here I was sweating like a pig on my final sanding session. I bumped the car in spots and got sweat on it and dripped some on it in other spots. The car is in spi 2k primer right now sanded out to 320 grit. What should I wipe it down with before spraying my reduced spi epoxy as a sealer? Is there any special technique I should use when doing this? Thanks
I have some spi waterbourne cleaner so thats good. Is there any special method of using it being as I am applying it over primer. Should i spray on a cloth and wipe on that way or could i spray it directly on the car. Do you have to worry about the sk primer sucking up the solvents or anything?
Did you read into the link above? This specific issue is addressed there.

A good half hour wait time after wipe down can only help.