Vinyl restoring products - any recommendations??



HI all, Its been awhile since logging in. The datsun is alive & almost well, still have a little paint to do - underside of hood & trunk, gas door, thats about it.

I was wondering what really good vinyl restoration products you guys have used. I figure there's got to be something better then slimy armour all out there to clean & soften the seats of the car with. I plan on reupholstering them anyways but till then I'd like to make em as good as possible.

Any ideas??


here a couple of pic's in its current state...

BTW - this isn't me - I chickened out & hired a glass guy to install the ft. & rear windows - wasn't cheap either....


I use mequiars #40 vinyl and rubber.

I use it on everything. Gives it a natural look and isn't slimy. Paint shop safe also. I use it on tires also...makes them look brand new without that "wet" look.
Your car really looks nice, edp! Brings me back to the old days, I had a '73 Datsun PL620 that was that color, or close to it. I wish I still had it!
Thanks! you guys on here have been an amazing amount of help which I've greatly appreciated.

The car should be a lot of fun & pretty comfortable as well. Its actually farther along then those pic's, bunch of detail items finished but still a bit to go.

I ran into a guy at a car show in Seattle a week ago who had a Opal Kadet painted in the same VW orange I used - it looked pretty good, of course I think mine looks better :)