Thoughts about the current heat wave

that is a flat out lie . dry wet don't make a damn bit of difference. 110 is still 110 . it is damn right scary here right now. there are people dying from this dry heat . ranchers are losing cattle and crops are failing everywhere. food cost will go up a bunch soon and beef will be outrageous . we need a hurricane and we need it yesterday .
Dry Heat? When it's 110 deg I am wet no matter what else is going on! LOL

when i notice i am bone dry that's it. shops closed and i'm in the pool in the shaded side. getting too old for this crap .
I was born and raised in upstate New York (don't tell anyone) but have lived the last 20+ years in the Southwest (Texas, Colorado and Arizona). The humidity factor does make a difference up to a point. 80-85 degrees in high humidity is definitely more uncomfortable than the same temps in very low humidity. However once the outside temps get above your normal body temperature everything is uncomfortable and deadly. These prolonged days of 100 plus degrees will kill and people not prepared for it or treating it like its nothing will be the first to go.
Spent all day Monday on the tractor running a brush hog and pushed it a little too far. Even though I drank 5 bottles of water and 1/2 gallon of iced tea the heat sucked me dry and Tuesday was a wasted day because I had no energy whatsoever and spent the day in the air conditioned house.
My shop has no A/C so I only work in the early morning and evening hours during the summer and most of the time is one or the other and not both.
91 days of no rain . over 30 days straight over 100. started raining last night. 2 3/4 in so far. but it will go back to 100+ tomorrow and cook this out of the ground in a day. it will help my pasture . it will keep the roots alive until some more rain.
Unbelievable. Hottest July on record here in South Florida. Worst drought on record at the same time. Lake Okeechobee is 730 square miles of water and it dropped from 14 feet in July 2010 to 9.5 feet in July 2011. Florida had the same wildfire problems as Texas and Arizona but with most of the state being paved they didn't get as big. There were 420 fires burning at one time in June.
we have lakes and reservoirs that are dry . some having only a year or two of water. we need a wet nasty winter.
left over 100 degrees in south carolina & spent a week in alaska, 50`s there, what a relief, bad part had to come back, a little cooler here, hope it lasts.