Superbuild 4:1



Anyone used this poly primer from evercoat?

I have a few gallons on the way to try. Seems it gives a bit more build over slicksand.

Seems interesting in the tech sheet says it passes 500 hour salt spray test and can be applied over bare metal without etch or epoxy. Wouldn't even think of doing it, but wondering if this is one of those hybrid type deals.

Don't really have any major complaints over Slicksand that I currently use. A small one would be sandability...compared to sikkens poly or spies poly, it doesn't even compare. Not saying SS is hard to sand, it is of the easiest to sand (unless you talk about the sikkens, spies, etc..) Hoping the 4:1 sands a bit better. From the sheets, it seems it is a bit more solids and more mils than slicksand.
Jeremy, let us know how it works. No problems with slicksand and G2 has also worked fine but I've also wondered how well that 4:1 works. PPG also has a poly primer in their shop line label-my Son says it sands nice but I haven't tried it.
I still like the rust defender but wouldn't say easy sanding is one of it's strong suites. lol.
jeremyb;17249 said:
Anyone used this poly primer from evercoat?

I have a few gallons on the way to try. Seems it gives a bit more build over slicksand.

Seems interesting in the tech sheet says it passes 500 hour salt spray test and can be applied over bare metal without etch or epoxy. Wouldn't even think of doing it, but wondering if this is one of those hybrid type deals.

Don't really have any major complaints over Slicksand that I currently use. A small one would be sandability...compared to sikkens poly or spies poly, it doesn't even compare. Not saying SS is hard to sand, it is of the easiest to sand (unless you talk about the sikkens, spies, etc..) Hoping the 4:1 sands a bit better. From the sheets, it seems it is a bit more solids and more mils than slicksand.
I like the idea or putting it on bare metal....unlike G2.The Slick Sand label changed a year or two ago to no bare metal..etch or epoxy first... I prefer epoxy. But if Superbuild gives good review might look into it.
Well, just sprayed a 66 belvedere with the superbuild. First thing, It is a lot thinner out of the gun than slicksand. Could probably drop down to a 1.8 or sata is a 2.5. Seems to be setting up a little quicker than slicksand.

Will know tomorrow or monday about sandability. Funny, after I bought the stuff...I found a few reviews online saying it doesn't sand well at all. :rolleyes:

The hood on it has already been primed with spies will be a good comparison.

We will see.
Well...after spending 2 days sanding this mess, I have concluded that I won't be using any more of it.

It builds well and sprays well for a poly. But sands terrible. Top surface stays kinda tacky and the puck I have is still a bit rubbery. Definately not recommending it. I'll just stick with slicksand. Might give the g2 a try.

For kicks, I have 2 year old sikkens poly on one of my dart fenders, sanded like a dream with a piece of worn out 180 grit. Same goes for the spies poly that is on the hood of this car.
I've had G2 cure up tacky like that but most times it's just fine, Slicksand sand better though. I don't see much difference in Slicksand vs the Sikkens Poly. My Son likes PPG's shop line poly but I haven't tried it-I bet it's similar to slick sand. The PPG rep has them setup so they can pour and activate on the scale by weight in any amount, with a heat lamp it can sometimes be handy in a production environment.
JeremyB you should try out a quart of Carsystems Poly, it doesnt spray the nicest but it easily sands nicer then the Featherfill
Rex, I throw a bit of acetone in the Carsystems on occasion, although it does reduce its viscocity, it does aide in its sprayability. It's a bit more money then the Featherfill,but much less money then the big names, last I checked, Glasurit was a touch over $100.00 per liter!
Never tried to car systems. I have a qt of g2 coming to try on a few areas. I mix by weight if I'm doing smaller amounts.

May well just have to settle on slicksand. Think I'm being too picky about all this. LOL.
I've only used the G2, and I have had good results with it. I think it sands really nice but I always start with 80 on it.

I think I'm gonna try slicksand the nex time I have to use a poly just to try it.
Im telling you guys you should really give it a try it sands way nicer then featherfill and its about $80 with hardener over here for 1gal. Dan76 I do reduce it a touch aswell for better sprayabilty.
woo been a while since i posted. i have been using g2 for years but recently tried a case of the 4:1. i also dont like it as well as the g2. the 4:1 sprays better and lays much slicker BUT its harder and harder to sand. didnt have much issue clogging but all together i like g2 much better.