SPI Jobber Promotion


Other than word of mouth, what promotions, advertisements, flyers and such are working for your sales? Do any of the promotions, advertisements or flyers generate interest and increase sales?

What has worked in your area to take advantage against PPG, Glasurit, Dupont and such?

Do your create your own promotions or hire a professional marketer/advertisement firm?
We create a monthly flyer which we drop off when doing a sales call or fax to prospects who we didn't visit that month.

We typically highlight an SPI product (no discount) and offer a discount on a category of product (sandpaper, masking products, compounds, etc.) and a small tool. We usually get a good response in person, not so much from the fax but it can't hurt to get our info in front of them. It helps to carry something into the shop with you (usually the tool special).

We also have had success by mailing a letter to former customers and offering a discount on their next purchase.

To compete against the big guys, we usually show the cost savings while highlighting that it's the same or better quality.

We create our own promotions.
the hard part of business is not to promote growth but rather to control the growth. it can get out of hand fast with a successful product.