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This is the galvanized roof on my garage. There's nothing wrong with it, it's only a dull in appearance. I was thinking of bringing back the shine to reflect the heat from the sun. Age of it is about 70 years.

I'm guessing a good cleaner is what it needs plus maybe a clear coat? Opinions please. Thx.

* If your wondering about the sides, that's just crappy paint, previous owner rolled on. It's already peeling.

Back in 1995 I picked up up a 36 foot street light pole at the scrapper. Cut it in half and hauled it home on a trailer, welded it back together and gave it a quick scuff. I picked up a quart of primer specifically for galvanized steel at the Sherwin Williams store. I believe it was water-based. Brushed it on and topcoated it with semi-gloss latex exterior paint. It has held up surprisingly well. I thought it would fail within two years.

I looked online but I couldn't find anything of the sort. One would think if it's water-based it would still be available.
Back in 1995 I picked up up a 36 foot street light pole at the scrapper. Cut it in half and hauled it home on a trailer, welded it back together and gave it a quick scuff. I picked up a quart of primer specifically for galvanized steel at the Sherwin Williams store. I believe it was water-based. Brushed it on and topcoated it with semi-gloss latex exterior paint. It has held up surprisingly well. I thought it would fail within two years.

I looked online but I couldn't find anything of the sort. One would think if it's water-based it would still be available.
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So that's your flag pole. I can see the top of it from my house in Missouri.
Your best bet would be enamel gloss white (not water based) for that roof. It would have an 8 to 10 year life span due to the elements. As with any paint, prep is the key to longevity.
This is it in 2002, pretty bare then. We had already planted around 12,000 Conifers and maybe 150 deciduous trees. Many were still just seedlings. The footing for the flagpole tapers to 3' wide as it goes deeper and is 4' deep, took a full yard of concrete.
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We did the same in 84 with planting trees and wind breaks. I'm trying to thin some of it out now...can't see the valley for the trees.
Pic from my roof last spring while cleaning the gutters.

Roof top Pic.jpg
There is a White polymer concoction used on Commercial roofs that is stupid ridiculous in price but is unreal on reducing the heat gain. I've witnessed it firsthand on a metal bldg turned into a school the week before and the week after it's application in the Summer with a 92 degree average temp. You could work all day inside barely breaking a sweat. If I had not been there working inside, would never believed it. Yeah it was hot but nothing like it was before.
In the mid 70's I worked for a mobile home company and I applied Koolseal fiber roof coating to house trailer metal roofs and it did make a difference in them. Still didn't solve the lack of Insulation but helped better than anything at the Time. Did my wife's She Shed,10x16 Morgan bldg and it does help.
Considering doing my shop roof now.
Who knows,a Big Flake Silver job might be the ticket....
reads the like problem trying to be solved is heat inside. if so i think there are easier solutions that would work better.

whats the roof venting like as is? soffit vents in? gable vents? doesnt look like ridge vents.

one easier, less expensive solution would be exhaust fans in the gables.
reads the like problem trying to be solved is heat inside. if so i think there are easier solutions that would work better.

whats the roof venting like as is? soffit vents in? gable vents? doesnt look like ridge vents.

one easier, less expensive solution would be exhaust fans in the gables.
Ya I added gable vents on each end. It improved it noticeably.
White Elastomeric sealer. Now exactly which one is best,I have no idea but there is a ceramic additive involved with the best types. Rubberized is another thing as It will expand and contract unlike the 'paint' cheaper versions that will crack,flake.