question about activator temp


mike r

hey guys, with all your advice. I did my first paint job on my truck last year about this time. I am selling the truck and have agreed to fix a spot, that didnt turn out so good the first time. I have some universal clear left over. from about six months ago and I also have a little bit of fast activator (4002) left over as well. my question is can i use this activator in 85-92 degree heat. the repair is fairly small and could have it cleared in less the 2-3 mins once activated. can I get away with using this or will bad things happen. thanks guys.

iv included a few pics. thanks again for all your help.


Did you call Barry and get a response on this or something.,. I see no one answered your question.. I was out of town for the week and am going thru all the threads I missed while away..

Yes you could use fast even in hot temp for a small spot.. I would do the coats back to back without flash and add some 895 to help it a touch.. But that is me.. Barry may have told you different and I would go with whatever he says!!
thanks for the reply. even though i didnt see it till now. I went a head a winged it this morning.