"Perfect Paint Job" question relating to timing between epoxy primer and 2k primer


Craig L

I epoxy primed about 6 weeks ago. Just finished body work (first time and I'm very slow and did things over several times but finally got it I think). Cleaned with the wax and grease remover today and vacuumed out garage and plan on sparying a coat of epoxy primer in the morning. The "perfect paint job" sheet says to spray the epoxy and then wait until the next day to shoot the 2k primer. If I have about 10 hours between the expoxy and the 2k would that be ok because weather is moving in on Monday?


Just a ? but why go with 2K primer instead of keeping with the epoxy primer?
I'm following "The Perfect Paint Job" instructions. I plan on priming/blocking with 2k twice and then sealing with reduced Epoxy per the instructions.