New SPI Cougar restoration



I have been on here for a few months just lurking and gathering information. I started my project using Eastwood's epoxy primer, and while it's not bad, SPI epoxy is clearly better. Not because I'm an expert, I've only done 3 other complete paint jobs, but it's just easy to use. I have the worst equipment and horribly dirty garage to paint with. A harbor freight devilbiss clone and a 22gal 3.5hp compressor. But in spite of it all, I think due to painting the panels off the car and cutting and buffing them, I might just pull off a decent paint job. After black epoxy, 2k primer, block sanding, and 3 coats of ss black this is what I got on the rear valance. I does have some very small nibs here and there, but my wife looked at it and said "You're going to SAND THAT?" I also shot the underside of the hood but didn't go to any extremes in prep as most of it will be covered by insulation, still turned out good with slight orange peel.


Just a update..I color sanded and buffed it out, I now know I CAN paint a car black.


I recently sprayed my hood and on the first attempt I guess I didn't wait long enough after using the 700-1 w&g remover and when I shot the first coat of ss black it immediately showed solvent pop. I thought I might be able to shoot my way out of this, like a gangster movie :) So, I went ahead and waited the 30 mins and sprayed some more on it. A few days later I sanded it down and did it right. It helps to follow the instructions.