Muncie Aluminum Transmission cases - Bead Blast & clear, or epoxy prime & color coat?



Getting ready to restore a Muncie M20 for a Chevelle. I have read the posts about the clear not holding up to the heat of an intake manifold long, but wanting advice on the aluminum castings used on the Muncie M20. I don't think they would get as hot as an intake, but not sure.
Bead blast, clean, and then clear with what SPI product?
- or -
Bead blast, epoxy prime cases, and then top coat with what "aluminum" or "cast" product.
If someone has done this, please let me know how to proceed. Looking for advice.
Thanks, Ed
Thanks for the info. That is some great information! I am not restoring the car to that level, yet I want the components to appear correct in the various colors. I am looking more for the maintenance and the ability to keep things clean and corrosion resistant. I will be driving the car on nice days, but not showing it in the concours type of setting. I have used the cast blast, and spray gray colors on some suspension parts after I primed them with SPI epoxy primer. I may just paint the cases parts with SPI grey epoxy, and then top coat with an aluminum or similar silver top coat. Again, wanting the transmission to look correct, yet be able to clean and wipe down without worring about corrosion or discoloration of the natural aluminum.
Tumble the case, warm it up to 400*F and spray some quality gun oil on it.
I've done several with bead blasting followed by a good soap and water wash. Then clearcoated with flattenened clear. They have all held up fine but some parts from a 20's car have tended to chip away like it didn't get a good bond. It is very porous aluminum that was saturated with oil though. Currently I've been using the technique from above but using Shark Hyde metal protectant. I like the shark hyde as it's just wiping a chemical on that is the consistency of water.

Bob's technique would work good also as the heat opens the pores and oil will soak in and keep it protected. Kinda like an oil impregnated bushing.