I want to create the "Best Sanding Blocks Ever"

These are my go to for Mopars.

Should ship from the factory very soon. I've expedited the shipping on the 100 units for the pre-sale so shouldn't take that long. I'll send update to people that ordered them when I have firm ETA.
Oh you already had a pre-sale on the long blocks? How did I miss that. I have your original blocks of course. They’re great. How do I get in on the long block? Thanks!
What is the crowd favorite for short blocks for small repairs? And blocks for odd shapes? I’m assuming durablock?
For smaller blocks it used to be durablocks for me, but since I switched to acrylic, durablocks don't cut it anymore for me. Get some acrylic in various thicknesses as well as some Lexan in .030 and make what suits your needs.
Black Diamond blocks starting to pick up some traction on one of the Facebook paint groups. Have also seen more traffic coming through to my video.
I've been thinking about adding some "splines" to the Black Diamond product lineup.
Last year I bookmarked this thread started aby @orangejuiced86

Seems like what is available is sort of ridiculously priced. C'mon, they are HDPE sheets cut to a specific size and shape.
Same type of approach can be used to make tools for gaps as well.

Curious about everyone's thoughts on this.
Splines would be a fantastic addition. Splines plus slower drying filler lets you spread body filler straight instead of sanding it straight-a huge time saver. A long enough spline will bridge the high spots, hold the intended shape, and spread filler in that shape only in the low spots. You can also use long splines to check your overall panel shape when straightening the metal to show high/low spots. I've been using 4' and 8' long aluminum c-channel for checking down the length of the whole body but splines would work as well over shorter lengths.

For those not familiar with them, this vid shows them in action. He has other vids on slow drying filler and splines as well.

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First production run of 24-inch blocks took a little longer than I had hoped, but they are done now and have shipped to me. Should be ~ 2 weeks and then I will ship immediately to those who signed up for the "pre-sale."
Here they are, leaving the factory. Between the 24-inch blocks and next order of 8/16-inch blocks, that is 5000lbs of rubber o_O

October 2023 shipment in the truck.png
I recently received my set of 8” and 16” and the difference between a brand “x” block and the Black Diamond became very apparent.
I was going to joke about how much I don’t like these blocks….because they define subtle surface imperfections that I couldn’t “sight” with mineral spirits. ( Thanks JimC)
I’m looking forward to the 24” block as well.
This is my first attempt at a real “automotive finish”
My 1980 method of lacquer primer and a stir stick wrapped in sandpaper was the only experience I had prior to this.
I’m hopeful that the combination of
SPI products,
Black Diamond blocks,
and the outstanding support of the SPI community will enable me to achieve some degree of success beyond my expectations.
Thanks for a great product Dean
Y’all must be a bunch of ungrateful jerks because so far I’m the only one that’s left a review at Eastwood.
I don't think anyone is a jerk . . . the support and encouragement I've received here has been amazing and I'm humbled and grateful.
And, if you want to post a review on Eastwood, it would be very helpful and appreciated.
Just go to the page and click on "write a review."