I need to paint some pin strips on a 72 corvette LT-1 hood, what to use?


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I need to paint the factory design pin strips on a 1972 Corvette LT-1 bryar blue hood. The factory used a stencil and I got the stencil and plan to give it a go. My question is should I use the SPI white base and then clear for lasting results or use something else. I suppose somebody makes pin stripping paint but does it hold up long term?

Any feedback or suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
The pin stripes here, along side the rally stripes are SPI white base over black base then 3 coats clear, block with 600 then 3 more coats clear. Can't feel them at all.

Ok and thanks much for the feedback! So, if I got it, you need to clear the whole hood after you do the strips. I was thinking you just clear the pin strip only and this would give a raised edge which would not be as good as what you describe and did. Cool!

Your hood looks super!

Thanks again!