Epoxy Primer shout-out...



First time user of the SPI Epoxy Primer. I layed down 3 coats on the roof of a '92 jeep Cherokee this past Saturday. It had been many years since I done any painting and I have to say it turned out better than I had expected. I did this in my basement with a makeshift ventilation system. A plastic paint booth and a lot of prep. I was going to just spray two coats but unfortunately I ran out of mixed primer with about a 1 square foot area left to paint. I just mixed up more and let what I had shot flash off for about an hour and half. I was using a 1.5 tip and I did have to increase my air pressure at the gun to about 35-40 psi. (snap-on gun). I would, and have recommended this to anyone. I believe you could clear coat the primer it would look as good as a lot of single stage paint jobs. I can see every little ding and some places I must have got to hot when removing the rust and paint.
I would like to say I appreciate all the information that I have found on here.
You guys have a great rest of the day!