Epoxy/filler ghosting


Old school JW

Hi again, see pics. I'm testing on wheel house before quarter filler work. I mixed epoxy per instructions and let set for 40 min. Then brushed two coa
ts over blasted and cleaned welds 30/40 min in between. Waited 42 hrs before rage ultra and sanded - first pic. Wiped with 710 and dry rag then blew off with dry air. Waited 30/40 min. Had epoxy leftover from brushing in sealed paint cup to use for spray. Sprayed first coat over filler and saw ghosting of filler - see second pic. Is this normal? I didn't spray second coat yet in case I need to do something else. Thx for any help.
It was normal for me. I don't remember when a second coat didn't take care of it. I would apply the first coat a bit lighter to minimize my chances of cratering, but with the heavier second coat, I didn't have issues.

Please temper my response with the fact that I've only shot one car, and it was very small!

Thx. Will mix more epoxy to spray two or three wet coats and call that part done.
You will always see the ghosting of the filler on your first application of epoxy. It is due to the absorption of reducers into the filler. Once you sand it smooth, apply again andyou will not see it any more.
