decal application



Can some one give me a basic how to on decal application?
I am helping dad put some new decals on his John Deere 2020 we painted this summer, they appear to have a peel and stick type back. I am mostly concerned with preventing air bubbles.
Ok you need a plastic squeege or a bondo spreader will work. Fill a spraybottle with water. Add a small amount of dawn dishsoap. Maybe a dozen drops per quart of water. Peel the backing off the decal. Spray the decal and the tractor. The soap should make the water sheet completely on both surfaces instead of bead. If it beads add more soap. Soak both surfaces and apply the decal. Squeegy out the water. You may have some bubbles left over but it will be water under the decal. These will go away as the water evaporates from under the decal.
Another trick is to wrap a paper towel over the edge of your squeegee, this will help grab the water as it comes out from between the decal and the panel, then work out any remaining bubbles without the towel. Clean the surface with waterborne wax and grease remover before you start the application. I know a lot of people say they apply them dry without any problems but every time I've had a professional come over and do some dry I've wished I'd done it myself WET.
Certain vinyls will get applied dry and need no water. The adhesive is put on in a way that it channels the air out. Its usually avail on printed type vinyl. The stuff works amazing.
Where I work we paint and decal tank cars. The decals we use are a type of vinyl and they go on dry . We sometimes will use water on some of the larger ones because it makes it easier to work out any air bubbles.
Curious on how you guys would go about this. Bare metal new Harley style bike tank. Epoxy, urethane primer, base/clear. Question. I have decals to put on and bury under second round of clear. Specific recommendations please? Prob gonna end up with some minor dirt or a bug in first and second round of clear. Never dealt with Harley decals BTW. I don't have the tank yet it's gonna be ordered in the next day or so. Thanks.
Nothing special. Just stick the decal and clear over them. Some guys shoot a coat of adhesion promoter over the decal before clear but i have really found that unnecessary.
Think I will prob stick it to the well dried base, clear 3 coats, wet sand and three more then cut/buff. No AP on this for me. Thanks Jim you helped alot.