Container for cleaning a gun



Hi there!

I read a thread about cleaning a gun and I came to conclusion that the Lacquer Thiner is a way to go.
I also want to find out what should I use (in regular garage) as a container. A Container big enough to soak a gun and not to large so I don't waist the thiner.
Also, do I use fresh thiner every time gun need to be cleaned?

Thank you!
i have a 6x9 in salad bar container . keep your gun clean and you will never need to soak it .
may I reuse the thiner? Can I just seal the salad box with the liquid?
thinner gets nasty. with each job you will use several gallons by the time the car is done. i pour old thinner into an old oil pan and let it evaporate.
the smaller the container the less thinner you will use.
not sure iffen its a good idea to soak a gun. the instructions for the finishline and tekna i have say dont.
for lacquer thinner, i have 2 cans. after ive cleaned my guns, i strain it into one can. after a week or so i strain it into the other. i dont use it to clean my guns, but i always find a use for it.