Car Show - No Waxing


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Painted my project about two years ago, base\SPI universal clear. It is kept in a garage and driven about twice a month.
I have never waxed the car, only use detail spray to wipe it down because I generally only take it out in nice weather.
Actually I have never needed to wash the car with soap and water.
I've polished a few light scratches a couple of times that bothered me but generally it stays in great condition.
I am going to drive it to my first car show and figured I would just use detail spray if necessary once I get there.

My Question is, is there really any reason to wax the car?
I've spot checked a couple of good waxes and there really is no dramatic difference appearance-wize to me.
I've read other posts and know there are varying opinions but not really directly to this point.
I've never waxed my Mustang, or applied anything to it after i painted it. Driven daily for 6 years. Did a little test like you said; wax did nothing to make my paint look better. Might make it easier to clean?