Best place to buy Sata Spray Gun Nozzle Set

  • Thread starter moparmusclecars
  • Start date


Searching the net for the best place with best price for buying Sata spray gun nozzle sets. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I was thinking possibly, TCP Global.
I just bought one set off the 'bay. We will see if it shows up as advertised. Still interested where to buy sata gun parts.
Yeah, I had that spare parts link, as I had already done my little search on the net. I appreciate the response. I had kinda figured contacting sata directly would result in them giving me the nearest supplier. They wanna make every cent they can on the parts, too. I think I will call auto body depot (TCP GLOBAL) and see what they can do for me on the little stuff I need to get this gun working properly again. They had a nice break down of the various guns, including part numbers for each available part, which was great. Maybe I should have just bought an Iwata :)
It's not about sata making money. They are just very strict about who sells their stuff.

Try autobody toolmart

I agree about the Iwata lol
Here is a reply from a SATA rep in Germany

Benutzer Holger Essig antwortete am 03.12.2012 09:25 im Forum "Support (english)" mit folgender Nachricht:
Re: real or fake

it doesnt even look like a SATAjet - this is absolutely not manufactured by SATA.

Best regards
SATA GmbH & Co. KG
Marketing Services

Holger Essig
Geez disregard last post. It was meant for another sata thread
Any paint store/jobber in this country can call practically any PBE warehouse and order a Sata paint gun to sell to one of their shops, so no paint stores are restricted from selling Sata.
Yeah, I am aware most stores that sell supplies could probably order me SATA parts or guns, but I was actually looking for the best deal type of places. I was a salesman on the road once for a welding supply company, i saw what kind of mark up is in a lot of this stuff we buy. I actually found what I was after at half the price. Still interested to hear if anyone has a good source, other than just local paint stores, etc.
Ever since this 'internet era' begun, Sata has cracked down, even tracked down 'rogue' sellers on ebay etc as a result of the traditional local jobbers complaining that they can't make money on a $800 paint gun when some PBE warehouse is selling them for jobber pricing on ebay or some website they created.

It took Sata several years in the early and mid 2000's to reign in the internet 'problem' they had, but to the best of my knowledge its all but fixed.
talk to chad s. he might be able to help.great service and fair he's a spi brutha