Air flow


I have a 24 inch fan 6 ft above the floor ( facing East,not a significant point but given for an idea of where my windows are). Windows are on the north and west sides. My garage is 24x40. What are your opinions on which window I should open? West side so it flows across the whole car. North so it flows over a portion. Or, crack the garage door so it flows mostly underneath and up. I need to improve air flow for better flashing and try to reduce dust and such.
I would think west so a cross ventilation is achieved, when I run my fan I found there's enough play in the garage door gaskets it will pull the door in & pull air in there. its nice on the cold days so not so much warm air is lost.
Thanks for the input. I got an anemometer so I can check the breeze and adjust my windows as needed. Pure overkill.