70 Camaro Rally Sport Urethane Nose & Fiberglass Spoiler


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I tried finding a vendor in my area to media blast Urethane Nose with Soda, Plastic, Something other
than Sand but I couldn't......I'm using a 5' DA with 100 grit paper, slow going.....I'd be embarrassed
to charge the time Im spending on this..............

Also wanting to strip paint from 1070 Camaro One Piece Fiberglass Spoiler...............
Concave curve so only the edge of my 5" AND 2" DA works....and Im trying to be
careful and NOT dig any holes..............

Spoiler has one crack but no missing material............Do I grind a V groove in the crack
and use what brand of product ??

Thanks, Chuck Auburn,WA
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I want to bump this because I think it deserves more attention, but I am not quite sure what material we're looking at here, is it Endura, or a really old version of urethane?
Media blasting would be a good choice here. The urethane nose can be fixed with any 2-part flexible bumper repair material. The wing might be SMC if it's a later replacement, but I am not sure what the originals were made of. To be on the safe side, you should use a polyester resin rated for use on SMC which will be activated by cream hardener just like filler. That and fiberglass mat can be used in a v grooved and feathered out repair area, and after that is smoothed out, apply several coats of epoxy followed by finishing filler coats.