2009 Ford Expedition hood bubbling


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My buddy has a 2009 Expedition. The front edge of the aluminum hood looks to be oxidizing. The paint is bubbling off.

Question, can I ramove all the paint in this area,clean up with some 80grit, expoxy prime, bodywork, and then reshoot? Is that how you stop oxidation? It not like rust is it?
Just start sanding with 180, all the clear and about 90% of the base must come off.
The base is broke down and not savable.
Then epoxy with one or two coats with no urethane reducer added, sand the epoxy the next day and if all looks well paint or spay another coat of epoxy as a sealer (reduced) and paint.
jesus with a car that new shouldnt the factory/dealer have some warranty on it?
most likely it is a repair that has failed, no oem will ever admit they repair thier product before selling it as new, but they do.
My 150 is doing the same thing :-( But it's 11 years old. Funny part is it's really the only spot on the truck that needs to be painted....