Winter Washing



Wondering what you guys think of using the pay n spray do it your self car washes on a nice/painted vehicle. I know they recycle water...which I dont like and i dont like the fact that who knows what kind of soap they use or how harsh the detergents are.. I know most here on the forum dont live or drive in winter salty areas like me here in SD...

I was thinking, take my summer buckets and use water from home, and just use the pay and spray to initially rinse the vehicle then use my soap with my microfiber mitt, then use the pay n spray to final rinse.. best idea I can come with anyway.. Thanks guys
Anything is better than automatic car washes full of whirling brushes. Your idea sounds fine to me.
Oh, yeah. In winter here where I live, you might be able to wash your car at home if you had a hot water tap in the driveway, and didn't forget to roll up your hose and bring it inside. Most people don't wash their cars much in the winter here, I mean if you do, you can't tell that you did after about 1 mile of driving through brown slush.