Using reducer.


So it's been over 90 degrees every day in Iowa for a while and I am getting ready to spray my firewall with black epoxy. I have reducer on hand but am unsure when and how to mix it with the epoxy and activator. Any pointers?
Mix your epoxy part a and part b activator together, first. Stir good, then mix in your reducer. Thats how i do it.
Are you wanting to spray it as a sealer or a primer?
For a sealer coat that can be sprayed over in just an hour or two
then a 1:1:1 is good.

As a primer where you need to wait till the next day to paint over
then it's your choice of what to make it lay a little smoother,
I usually go about 10 to 20% reducer when real hot.
that does help get a slicker finish.
If you're planning on sanding it and the smoothness is not as important
then no reducer at all.:)
the epoxy tech sheet says for hot weather you can add 2-4 oz per mixed quart of epoxy
jlwdvm;10582 said:
I was thinking that "slow" reducer needed to be added if I was going to be painting in high temps.

I always do, but it's really a personnal preference.
How you spray, size of tip, a lot of things effect the performance of spraying.
Some do fine with no reduction at all, I reduce it just to get a little slicker finish
I need all the help I can get;)