Special case question - Euro clear over acrylic paint (artist paint, not automotive)




My daughter is painting a design on a guitar body I made in acrylic artists paints. I'm planning to clear it with Euro. Would you recommend the "every 30 minutes" recoat rule until I have 5-6 coats? I'm planning to wait a week to ensure that all the water is out of the paint before I hit it with clear. Any other advice?

I would recommend stopping at three coats, letting it cure, then sanding with fine paper and applying three more coats.
Thanks. That makes sense. My biggest concern is that the paint will have just a bit of texture, and the worst thing would be to sand into the color.
I don't know what the surface profile is on the finished acrylic work, but usually sanding 3 wet coats of Euro with 600+ grit is pretty safe, especially if the Euro is mixed 4:1:1.5 or thicker.