intercoat and sem candy colors



the directions call for 8 to 1 mix with there product,can I use the spi intercoat at same 8:1 mix and how much reducer should I use.any input appreciated.
Their suggested mix ratio is 1 pint of concentrate to a gallon of ready to spray intercoat. SPI intercoat calls for a 1:1 to a 1:3 mix with reducer-this all depends on spraying style and what you're using it for, I like a 150% reduction for an application like that-mix it 1-1.5. I reduce it even more when using it in an airbrush. So for each ready to spray quart of intercoat you would add 4 ounces of concentrate.
Thnxs for the quick and accurate answer,never used the sem before only hok,but moneys tight thought i'd give it a try.have you used the sem,hows it compare to hok.thnxs,russ
i have used the sem. works fine just like hok. concentration seems the same to me so for mixing go by what your used to and not exactly by what they recommend. as an example, their ratio might be fine for apple red but may be too concentrated for the mint green to pull off a blotch free finish on a big panel. or it could be just fine for small parts.
ya I was gonna play around with it.i really appreciate your input as I know you do the airbrushin thang.