How long to wait after epoxy primer to apply poly primer



Its about 80 degrees here today and I just finished spraying two coats of SPI epoxy on the shell of my 78 TA. How long do I need to wait to spray some evercoat feather fill. I sure would like to get it done today if possible. Thanks Mike
Mike, with putting two coats of epoxy I prefer to let it set overnight, I know 80 degrees is great but I like to see epoxy set overnight before appyling 2k or poly primer. Joe
If I spray one coat of epoxy than I will spray a couple of coats of slick sand after is sets a couple of hours. Two coats I wait until the next day.
Two coats = next day for me too, had a couple bad experiences with going too fast with either poly or urethane on top of thicker applications of epoxy.

Problem being that the epoxy is much slower than any other material, especially primers which by their nature are meant to be fast. In general fast on top of slow is a no-no, though because of the special properties of epoxy we must make an exception.
Well I hope I did.nt screw up I let it set about 5hrs an put 2 coats of featherfill on it. I would not have been able to get the poly on it within the recoat window. I will say that when the sun was on it it was too hot to touch so maybe i will get lucky. it will be about 10 days before I can do anything to it, is there any test I can do to see if I need to strip it and start over.
How about if it's 8 below zero ? Just kidding... That's what it was when I drove home this morning from work. I need to move somewhere warmer to enjoy this hobby I guess. Or buy me a big warm shop !
Temp is dropping fast here. It was 82 this afternoon and it's already down to 75. Might have to open a window.