Dry Turbo primer


Toms 57 Chevy

I have been working on the top of my hood. Just making sure it is good and flat. I sprayed some turbo primer. I put on several coat just o make sure i has enough build to sand one more time. The last coat came out dry and ruff. It does not matter because it will be sanded off but I want to know what causes that. I am using an Iwata 400 LVX. I spray the epoxy with out any issues.
Did you clean the gun between coats? If not, the primer started to dry in your fluid tip. This is one of the reasons I never spray more than two coats of primer at a time. If I am spraying clear, I run reducer through the gun in between coats to help minimize this. Turbo has a short pot life, and will cause more clogging than just about anything you spray.

If this happens again, dump your primer back into the mixing cup. Get a tooth pick (do not use anything metal) and stick it in your fluid tip to clean it out. Then run a little reducer through the gun, dump your primer back in and continue.
with an hvlp the solids collect in the nozzle. between coats empty the cup, wipe it out then rinse it. pouring thinner in and letting it run through is not good enough. i use a rinse bottle. flush bottle 2.jpg

flush bottle.jpg
Thanks Stum and Shine. Shine my wife is a hairdresser and she has a bunch of those. I guess I will put the five finger discount and grab one and test it out .Thanks
Turbo flashes off very fast in heat & with a lot of air flow. So if you are priming in high temp. and in a booth or prep bay with high volume of air movement use slow SPI reducer to help cut down on the pebbling or dry spray.