Door alignment D'oh

Dean Jenkins

Promoted Users
Been struggling to get the doors aligned on my el Camino for over 2 weeks now.
So hard and frustrating, especially alone.

I did figure out that I have to install the latch, striker post, door seals and rubber bumbers to ensure it is truly correct.

Still I could not get the door to fully close. It stuck out 1/8 - 1/4" at the back edge no matter what I did. I moved the striker post as far in as it would go and could not get the door to be flush. Arghhh!

Finally saw on a chevelle forum that the door latch is a "double strike."
I had it too tight and the second latch action wasn't happening.
Loosened it up nearly 1/2" and bingo, door alignment is perfect!

D'oh! That was a lot of wasted time . . .
Man I feel for ya. I hate aligning doors. You stuck with it and figured it out, well done!
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