Ceramic sanding discs


Senile Old Fart

Does anyone have any experiance with these?

3M™ Hookit™ Ceramic Clear Coat Disc, 6 inch, P1000 grit, 30698

Reading about them it says only use wet and use both a bcking pad and interface pad with holes in them..
I am wondering if the holes give the sanding residue somewhere to go instead of causing hydroplaning on the water
these discs are not ceramic grain or anything, they are for sanding scratch resistant ceramic clearcoats. these are similar to the trizact clearcoat sanding discs which i have used. they have small holes in them to prevent the suction that you get when wetsanding with a da. unless you need to sand and buff a ceramic clear then these are not needed.
I was thinking that if they last 5-6 times as long and can be used wet they might be a great option for first cut of a cut and buff.[video]http://youtu.be/WYjCLhWMj7M[/video]
Na the regular clearcoat sanding discs are trizact and last forever. You can do a whole car with just 2. Problem is you had better be in a super clean area or your going to get pigtails like crazy. Ive tried them and cant use them at all.