i have used all variations of intake filters and have settled on the better R1 type. they are usually white with a fine fabric on the outlet side which acts as a final filter. the difference between those and the green and blue tacky ones is night and day. they are more expensive however but the dust they filter out is way better. they do restrict more airflow and clog faster though but that is because they are filtering the air better. i highly recommend you go with those. i cant even use the green and blue ones. the crap that gets through those is crazy. pollen and shop dust goes right through.
my booth is crossflow and like chris was saying, its just a wall of exhaust filters with the fan about 6' above the floor. as the booth gets used the filters closest to the floor will clog first then you will gradually see them get dirtier higher and higher as they clog. that tells you right there where they are most effective.
intake filters are in the doors at the other end and start at about 1.5' off the floor and go to the top of the door. there are 16 of them. 8 in each door. i wish there were more on the intake side. there is a bit of neg psi in the booth with a 5hp 34" fan using the r1 filters. if you could do 20-24- 20" filters that would be good. keep in mind your fan size as well. a proper booth will move air in a column at 75-125 feet per min.