Body Carts?


Somewhat related to my other thread, I'm looking at purchasing a body cart. Currently it will be used for setting a pickup cab on, but I'd just as soon purchase one that I can use down the road on car bodies as well. I'd like one with larger wheels so I can push it outside on our gravel lot. Seen quite a few different ones from Champ, AutoTwirler, Accessible Systems, Eastwood, Summit, etc etc... I could probably build one but my free time is dwindling!

What are you using, have used, like, so on and so forth?
I have three Mustang body carts from Eastwood made by Auto Twirler shipped from them but cheaper at Eastwood. Summit also has the same one.
I kinda want to purchase one of the JD2 tables.. They are around $1500.00 but very versatile.. This may however be more than you are bargaining for.. this type of cart can also be used for chassis building.
That JD2 table looks easy enough to build but I'd bet there would be $800 in materials by the time it was done
The current project is a pickup box, which will get brought into and out of the shop from a gravel lot behind the shop. The rubber wheels would make this much easier, hard wheels like to just skid when they hit a rock. It's possible they could have problems, but for the cost I'm assuming they are a pretty high quality wheel.
mitch_04;n70204 said:
I really like the idea of this one, the rubber tires would work well on gravel, the strength would be hard to max out, and height adjustability sounds good. It's a bit more expensive than others, but not unreasonably so.

That looks like a decent cart, the JD2 is more like a build table that rolls