Activating Omni MBC base?



First off I want to say thanks to all the folks who set me straight on the first post I had about activating basecoat. So unforntunately I have another question so here it goes...

I am getting ready to do an overall job on a car that wil be shot with Omni MBC base, and have a question about activating it.
I know what the benefits are to activating are, but at the paint store when I asked about what to use to activate it one guy
said "definetly activate it., Use PPG DCX57". Now a couple of days later when I went in to pick up the paint, I lay down the DCX57
and the guy helping me says "you can't use that in Omni MBC, it will not work as the resin base is different than the PPG DBC it was
intended for. It will curdle the base."

So the question is do I activate it or not? The tech sheet for for the MBC has no referance to using an activator. I am using SPI's
Universal Clear, do I use the activator for that at about 1 ounce to mixed quart, the DCX57, or just shoot it
Ok, you need to use Omni MH167 Clear Hardener in the basecoat AFTER REDUCING the base. Use 1 ounce per ready to spray quart of base. The Omni MH 167 clear hardener is the same thing that is used in the Omni 161 and 260 clears. I don't spray much omni anymore, but I also confirmed all this with the local paint rep when I was in the store about some other stuff. If your going to go with Omni base, I personally would activate it, as it will be less resistant to chipping, staining, etc. Hope this helps!
Use the same activator as your clear, never any problems.