What is an "INTERCOAT"?



Please explain for me, what is an "intercoat"? :(

I thought I had it figured out... from bare metal - epoxy primer, sanding sealer , epoxy primer as a sealer,
Base coat & Clear coat.

As usual....thank you,
The truck you are doing you will not need an intercoat, mostly used for a carrier of different pearls or a blender for spot work.
Thank you
I will talk to you Monday morning and place my order.

Intercoat as a product is a clear basecoat. If you want to add pearl, metallic, or candy, you can mix it in the clear basecoat and add it before your clearcoat.

Intercoat as a term may also relate to any topcoat that is not a clear or base. I don't know if you've heard the term tri-stage paint, but it's base, intercoat (usually pearl), clear.

Hope that helps as well.
Thanks, the main thing for me to remember is that an "intercoat" is one thing I don't need to remember at this time.
I wish I could "defrage" my mind like I can my computer hard drive:) I think I am running out of "read only memory":)