How to check air dryness & contamination?


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I have a good 60 gal/5hp compressor, plumbed well with black steel pipe with properly constructed drops, a coalescing filter & desiccant filter ($200 china filters & pressure gauge system from Amazon). My compressor and plumbing is all within a climate controlled (Air conditioned) shop. I even have two separate manifolds, one for my air tools and one strictly for paint and sand blasting.

I have never seen evidence of water or contaminates in any of my air. I have used a soda blaster with no moisture problems. I am planning to do my first all-over paint job and I'm wondering if there is any way to check the cleanliness of my air before I spray.... or am I overthinking things?

Thanks for the suggestions. The white cloth/towel was my first thought. Never thought about a piece of glass. I have a piece of flat tempered glass. I’ll do both. I don’t think I have a problem, but I don’t want to ruin a bunch of work and product to discover I do have an issue. I’m shooting a round trash can and an old pick up hood as practice first. I find out for sure doing those.