heat gun / razor blade


ok. i need to bring this up again .

using the heat gun works very well BUT it will melt paint into the substraight. it will also cook your damn fingers ! . pay attention to it or you will find out the hard way. cooked meat on your fingers will die and have to be removed . you need something to hang it on when your working. that way you will not cook your fingers using the blade.
both. i have seen a guy who had meat trimmed off his thumb and index finger. shit dont grow back.
this is what I use to strip Corvettes plus a heat gun. just like the one they use to scrap the old inspection sticker off your windshield.
The heat gun has to get the temp just right. Too hot and paint is gummy. Too cold and the paint will not peel off in ribbons. I find moving the heat gun and this scraper in tandem works best for me. Agree with Shine the heat gun will burn your finger super quick.
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